The FASZIO® movement concept includes 7 strategies to stimulate, strengthen, expand and soften the fascial network. The application makes individual training possible, supports health maintenance, stress resistance and increased capacity and takes all aspects of a holistic training into account:
Ligaments and tendons are given more powerful high-speed energy due to higher elasticity and stretch. Connective tissue can be tightened through high smoothness and impulsive movements. Muscle building in motion brings functional strength in the transmission paths. This is combined with the release of blockades and times for regeneration. Various and unaccustomed demands train the perception and promote stability, condition and movement competence.
These qualities support all functions of the fascia, keeping it healthy, resilient and vital in the long term:
⇒ awareness
refine sensory, motoric and emotional intelligence
There are particularly numerous free nerve endings in the fascia. If these are required extensively and in a variety of ways, they spread out within the fascia and become increasingly connected to each other. This increases the basic ability to perceive and the general ability to react. Among other things, nerve receptors have the ability to send mainly either pain or movement information to the brain. They are also able to put movement stimuli above pain sensation, which can ensure survival in an emergency, but also means a high level of stress and should therefore not be part of everyday life. Perception means feeling oneself, classifying sensations in one’s own organism/system, training the sense of space/position and finding one’s way in relation to one’s environment. Perception competence is an essential basic for motor skills, emotional health and social behaviour.
⇒ elasticity
efficiently use the catapult effect and kinetic energy
This type of training energizes the body. The body is able to stretch and re-center – it remains elastic. This is important for speed and reactivity and forms a tight body silhouette. Elasticity includes the catapult effect. Here, energy is charged by a preparatory counter-movement, which is then released again explosively, as for example when throwing. The more the fascial pathways are involved, the more energy can be stored and released again. In addition to external movements, processes within the body also operate by catapult effect such as breathing, heartbeat, sighing, blowing, speaking, singing etc.
⇒ flexibility
stretch out the fascial network and balance the tensegrity of the body
The topic of “stretching” has been the subject of much back and forth discussion in recent decades. With the new fascia knowledge the different stretching options have become explainable. It is all about who wants to achieve which purpose at which time. One adapts one’s stretching behavior to the activity that one wants to perform or has already performed in the short or long term. According to the current state of knowledge, e.g. rocking stretchings in the final phase before high-speed movements can be useful, and releasing long-distance stretchings afterwards. General fascial stretching basically extends the range of motion. Different stretching directions and forms loosen adhesions in the fascia and balance the body areas. This leads to free movement. A previously limited functionality can be restored or avoided in advance.
A well-functioning fascial network requires ease of movement. Flowing movements with a wide radius create the greatest possible flexibility and gently resolve movement restrictions. This also requires a balanced milieu in the basic fascial substance to ensure that all parts of the body can move in relation to each other. The resulting fluidity enables mobility between all fascial regions (muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons and organs). The result is a functioning of the body suitable for everyday use. Overall, the movement competence is expanded and movement sequences are harmonized. This brings physical health, safety against falling and a vital appearance.
⇒ power
strengthen the fascial transmission paths and optimize functional transfer
Muscle activity is the initiator for movement, at the same time the fascial network is stabilized by muscle build-up. Muscles sort themselves into long facial pathways through the body. In this manner, force transmission paths are formed all over the body, which react directly to and with each other and provide effective support. This happens many times and in a highly complex way and turns every movement and posture into a whole physical task. Therefore, power training that incorporates the pathways into the movements supports the overall performance of everybody. Some sections are especially closely linked in their power transmission, these are the fascial main pathways. The muscles integrated in the central fascial pathways are of particular importance for stability. They provide an anchor for movement.
⇒ release
support free energy flow and regulate the extracellular matrix
Fascia assumes the filter function for all cells in the body. This involves both storing waste products from the metabolism of the cells until they can be removed via the blood or lymphatic system and supplying the cells with fresh substances. If the fascial filter is blocked, the exchange of substances both from and into the cell is minimized. The cell is no longer sufficiently supplied, dies or perhaps even degenerates. In order to stimulate the metabolism again and thus also to strengthen the general health (e.g. the immune system), one acts on the fascia through dissolving techniques (e.g. compressing and lifting). In this way, the shifting of the individual layers is optimized and pain is reduced or even eliminated. Further possibilities for balancing states of tension are offered by feel-good interventions. This creates more functional space in the fascial network in different ways and thus mental and emotional relaxation.
⇒ regeneration
vitalize the body’s cells and discover rejuvenation
Relaxation of the fascial network can be achieved through a mental and/or physical approach. The method for relaxation is individual and situation-dependent. This means that it is important for everyone to find out first what suits him or her in order to establish an inner balance. It is essential that the nervous system can calm down and switch to regeneration. Well-known and proven relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, meditation or similar can help, but also breaks in movement such as jogging, walking or Qi Gong. Basically, we recommend to support an alkaline fascia environment through the daily way of life.