Header "Das ist FASZIO® Faszientraining

This is FASZIO®

Communicate with the fascia and learn the FASZIO® language for natural mobility, functional performance, expressive movement of joy, sustainable rehabilitation and vital health!

FASZIO® implements current scientific findings in motion and interventions meet the requirements of the 21st century. This requires varied, multi-directional impulses to maintain the health of all body systems and the psychological resilience of a person. Fascial-oriented intervention techniques support the goal of a smooth and vital movement sequence in order to be able to cope with everyday and unforeseen demands. Get out of your comfort zone and back to the roots of natural movement and variety of training.

The concept is based on 7 strategies and 5 pathways for maintaining the health of the 1 fascia. It also takes  the influence of lifestyle, emotional contexts and therapeutic options into account. With this comprehensive system, all functions of the fascia are kept healthy, resilient and vital in the long term. The more varied and unusual the training, the more effective. The stronger the impulses are set, the greater are the increases in performance.

Healthy fascia is needed by everyone!

⇒ In the womb and in early childhood, important components of the fascia are formed, some of which even have to serve as a supply for the rest of life.

As a baby, toddler or adolescent, the fascia tissue gathers all the experience it needs to be prepared for “survival” in adulthood. This information contributes to movement competence, stability, body awareness, self-perception, reaction time and instinct, among other things.

⇒ Adults need access to a fully functional fascia in order to perform, maintain health and recover, especially since modern everyday life causes the versatile tasks of the fascia to atrophy. On a psychological level, the fascia also played an important role in positive thinking, feelings of happiness and serenity in everyday life and in spontaneous situations, as well as a courageous approach to challenges.

Seniors benefit from the preservation of their freedom of movement and remain independent for a long time. A youthful appearance is created through vitalized cells and a large energy reserve for joie de vivre.

FASZIO® Philosophy

⇒ Know what you’re doing, so you can do what you want.

⇒ Value, respect and use diversity.

⇒ Be open-minded, develop and inform.

⇒ Pass on the FASZIO® concept in an understandable and implementable way.

⇒ Inspire people for an interdisciplinary view of the fascia.



