
It is important for us to pass on our knowledge and make it applicable. That is why we write books on fascia, yoga, menopause, etc. with easy-to-understand theory, exercises suitable for everyday life and practical tips for self-help. The books are, if available, available in stores and are presented below.


Cupping – Die neue Methode zum Lösen der Faszien

NEW: Cupping in a modern way: The first sound cupping program for self-users
Cupping is known in German rather under the healing method “Schröpfen”. Today, in addition to athletes like Michael Phelps and Hollywood stars like Gwyneth Paltrow, many therapists use the method for relaxation and pain relief, too. Recently there are easy-care cups made of silicone, which are simply pressed together by hand and placed on the skin. They are unbreakable and easy to clean. The negative pressure created by the cups releases tension, stimulates blood circulation, stimulates lymph flow and “massages” pain away. In addition, cupping activates the immune system and helps to alleviate symptoms such as asthma, migraines, high blood pressure, digestive problems or burnout. The book “Cupping” offers a compact theoretical introduction to this method and describes the different application techniques. In the last chapter the complaints from A to Z with their special Cupping techniques are described and illustrated step by step.


Faszien Tuning | Straff, geschmeidig und leistungsstark von Kopf bis Fuß

Faszien Tuning, Megatrend Faszien: Erstmals in kompakter Form, für eine junge digitalaffine Zielgruppe und mit Übungsvideos online. Oellerich und WesselsMegatrend Fascia: For the first time in compact form, for a young, digitally-affine target group and with practise videos online.

Fascia? Fascinating! The connective tissue bodysuit is jointly responsible for our quality of life, keeps body and soul healthy and makes us flexible! Targeted training can relieve pain, prevent injuries and make you feel fit and dynamic. It is your (movement) freedom – and with some fine-tuning through three effective workouts you get the maximum out of it! You can train alone with your own body weight or with ball & co. And the best: Each exercise is also available as video for free streaming – you will find the access code in the book.


Menopause. The complete program | physical training – relaxation – naturopathy

Buch Wechseljahre, Das Komplett-Programm Körpertraining - Entspannung - Naturheilkunde von Miriam Wessels undHeike OellerichThe comprehensive practical book on all aspects of the menopause and for the time after. Physical training, relaxation, naturopathy. In cooperation with an experienced gynaecologist. Symptom table for quick access to the exercises and recipes displayed.


Faszien-Training | Younger, more beautiful & agile

Faszien-Training: Jünger, schöner & beweglicher von Heike Oellerich und Miriam WesselsThe detailed illustrated book leads into the fascinating world of fascia: The construction and structures of the fibrous tissue network are just as much a topic as its functions and the interaction of the muscle fascia. Important meridians and acupuncture points are also pointed out. Smooth fascia act internally and externally like a fountain of youth. Those who know about the mode of action and correct care of the fascia can prevent complaints with targeted training and start their own natural anti-aging programme. With many exercises and tips for an invigorated everyday life.


Soforthilfe Rücken

The only spine book with an immediate aid program. Typical complaints and symptoms of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine: tensions, disc problems, sciatica, lumbago, etc. Targeted exercises for each symptom, e.g. Yoga, Pilates, muscle relaxation, breathing exercises. Treatment through movement, heat or cold and SOS tips for emergencies.



Soforthilfe Beckenboden

Soforthilfe Beckenboden, Buch, Heiek Oellerich, Miriam The pelvic floor: the central musculature in the body and connection to the abdominal, back and hip muscles. Exercises that can be integrated into everyday life, e.g. muscle training when climbing stairs or brushing teeth. For prevention and treatment of complaints during pregnancy and birth, for regression, incontinence, etc.




Soforthilfe Yoga,Buch, Heiek Oellerich, Miriam WesselsThis book offers immediate help through yoga for 15 common symptoms such as headache or back pain. For each symptom there are three to five exercises that alleviate the symptoms. There are exercises for: strong nerves, healthy sleep, good mood, for relaxation, for a clear head, a resistant immune system, a stable hormone balance, vital aging, free breathing, a relaxed neck and shoulder girdle, a strong heart, a healthy digestion, a slim figure and a strong back.


Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga, Buch und CDKundalini Yoga combines dynamic exercise series with classical asanas and meditations. The book contains all important basics for practice. With the elaborately produced exercise DVD, different exercise hours can be put together. Depending on time and needs, you can choose between exercise series. Each exercise series contains physically demanding exercises as well as deep relaxation and meditation.



Gymnastik in der Schwangerschaft

Gymnastik in der Schwangerschaft, BuchAfter birth: Exercises also for regression. Together with the gentle, holistically oriented exercises, comprehensible explanations of physical relationships help to feel good during pregnancy or to counteract complaints. You stay healthy and attractive, prepare yourself optimally for the delivery and get back into shape quickly after the birth.


Brustkrebs | The guide through the wide range of therapies

Brustkrebs | Der Leitfaden durch das große TherapieangebotBreast cancer patients have numerous questions, which are answered in this book. It provides comprehensive information about diagnostics and therapy of classical medicine. In addition, it explains the wide range of alternative therapies that accompany the usual conventional medical measures. In view of one’s own vulnerability, the question of the meaning of life arises. Here, the point is not to view the illness as a punishment, but as the starting point for a new development. The guidebook serves as a serious guide through the wide range of therapies and provides security in the choice of therapy.


Yoga für den Bauch

Yoga für den Bauch, Buch und CDThe belly, which in many cultures is considered the centre of inner strength, is the focus of this book. Through specific exercises and conscious breathing the body’s centre is strengthened, with special attention to the pelvic floor. Because the correct position of the pelvis straightens the body, the breath flows more easily and one feels more self-confident.



Wellness-Yoga für Schwangere

Wellness Yoga in der SchwangerschaftDuring pregnancy, relaxation and well-being are important factors for a positive course and a good birth. This book helps to balance body and mind through gentle breathing, warming up, relaxation and meditation exercises.

